Software architect, cloud enthusiast and full stack developer

Welcome to my blog, a dedicated space where I share insights and experiences gleaned from my career as a software developer and my personal projects. The journey of problem-solving in the realm of software development can often be time-consuming, especially when the solutions seem straightforward once they're known. Through this blog, I aim to curate and archive these valuable solutions, not just for my own reference, but to share them with a broader audience. My hope is that by doing so, the knowledge dispensed here might assist others who find themselves facing similar challenges.

Folder specific git config

The article discusses the importance of managing different git configurations for projects in various domains. It explains how to extend global .gitconfig and create folder-specific .gitconfig to set up unique user details and ssh keys for specific projects. By implementing these configurations, users can efficiently handle multiple projects with distinct requirements.

Custom Kroki Encoder Decoder

Excited to share my custom Kroki Encoder Decoder with you. Nothing really fancy, but I hope it will make it easier for me and others to reuse diagrams.

How to use terraform to setup kind with localhost

In this article, I walk through setting up a local Kubernetes cluster on my M1 MacBook using tools such as Terraform, Kind, and MetalLB. The main challenge addressed is the inability to directly access the Kind cluster when using Docker on MacOS and Windows, necessitating the use of port mappings. I also discuss the deployment of an echoserver to test the setup. The complete code is shared on GitHub.

Generate SSH-Keys with ed25519

Ed25519 is a secure and efficient public key algorithm, ideal for SSH key generation, including GitHub use. Its modern elliptic curve cryptography ensures strong security and its shorter key size enables quicker operations and bandwidth efficiency. This leads to improved user experience in SSH connections and seamless GitHub interactions.


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